Giving Options
Tithe & Offering Envelopes
Tithe and Offering Envelopes are available at the information desk and in the seat backs. You can give your tithes and offerings by placing the envelopes in the offering bags during service.
Church Address
1548 GA-188, P.O. Box 741, Cairo, GA 39828
Text to Give
Send a text to (229) 513-1110 with the dollar amount that you would like to give. Just use our easy to follow instructions to give.

Step 1: Create a NEW phone contact
- First Name: FCC Last Name: Text Giving
Step 2: Add phone number: (229) 513-1110
Step 3: Message the amount you want to give.
- I.E. $25 or use decimals for odd amount, $25.78
Step 4: Click on “Faith Christian Center” text giving tab.
Step 5: Enter Name, Zip Code
- Click the type of account you would like to use. CREDIT/DEBIT or E-CHECK
- Click if you want an email receipt
Step 6: Wait for prompt that will ask you for account information: C.C.#, Security Code, Exp. Date.
Step 7: It will ask if you want to process your gift now? Click the green submit button and your done!
After you complete the information the first time, your contact is set up. Just go to your contact FCC and send the amount you want to give.